Growing up, life was splintered with the constant realization that I was always the elephant in the room.

Too much of this, or too little of that. However it could manage, my anxiety always seemed to find a way to control my reality in a relentless struggle of self worth. It gave me tusks and painted my thick hide pink for everybody to see. It would drag all my walls in so close my life felt constantly claustrophobic and sometimes so hard to breathe. I was alone, and the connections I made never lasted long enough for the Elephant inside me to leave.

But I’ve grown now, I’ve chosen change and how strange it is to see that the Elephant who tried so desperately to hide its Pink now appeared to gleam so beautifully within every single sight and scene.

Over time the Chameleon inside my skin disappeared, and I could see the demons who once brought me agonizing fear now wearing angelic gear: halos and wings alongside smiles stretching between both their horns and ears.
Life feels more full, and the past lingers nowhere near.

It’s okay to be the Pink Elephant my friend. And if you continue through this game of life while spreading love and giving light, then one day not far ahead, unbeknownst to what your fears once said, your heart will be beating in tune, thumping to the universe's rhythm once again.

Join me, and brand yourself a Pink Elephant as we deface the popular fallacies and face the universal strife that comes within the steps of Earth’s new youth and old life.
Go getters, Poets, Do betters, and Artists, we are unique alone and together all alike.
We are the connoisseurs of every day might.
We are the bright minded, the far sighted, and the perfect sweet mixed alongside balanced spice.
We’ve chosen to be comfortable outside of the box, our minds are centered and we reside within the spotlight’s crop.
This is our time, this is our life, and we’ll keep singing and swinging our trunks until the last second drops.